A web app that encourages SME growth and efficiency

A web app that encourages SME growth and efficiency

Design for mobile and web
Design for mobile and web
Design for mobile and web

Riversands Incubation Hub

Riversands Incubation Hub

Riversands Incubation Hub


Lynx 2.0

Lynx 2.0

Lynx 2.0


Web app

Web app

A comprehensive platform for SME growth and efficiency

A comprehensive platform for SME growth and efficiency

A comprehensive platform for SME growth and efficiency

A mega platform that empowers SMEs to grow and scale their businesses efficiently by offering tools and services that are necessary to succeed. From support to online courses, this platform strives to be an all-in-one tool for SMEs in South Africa.

Through user-centric design, we streamlined processes and provided essential tools for growth, impacting employment opportunities and efficiency within the SME community.

A mega platform that empowers SMEs to grow and scale their businesses efficiently by offering tools and services that are necessary to succeed. From support to online courses, this platform strives to be an all-in-one tool for SMEs in South Africa.

Through user-centric design, we streamlined processes and provided essential tools for growth, impacting employment opportunities and efficiency within the SME community.

A mega platform that empowers SMEs to grow and scale their businesses efficiently by offering tools and services that are necessary to succeed. From support to online courses, this platform strives to be an all-in-one tool for SMEs in South Africa.

Through user-centric design, we streamlined processes and provided essential tools for growth, impacting employment opportunities and efficiency within the SME community.

My role
My role

Facilitate design sprint, UX, UI, prototyping, copywriting.

Facilitate design sprint, UX, UI, prototyping, copywriting.

Facilitate design sprint, UX, UI, prototyping, copywriting.

The team
The team

Solo designer

Solo designer

Solo designer


August 2021 - March 2022. Launched in South Africa.

August 2021 - March 2022. Launched in South Africa.

August 2021 - March 2022. Launched in South Africa.

The challenge

The challenge

The challenge

The primary challenge that Lynx aimed to address was the inefficiencies faced by SMEs in South Africa. Businesses struggled with time-consuming processes, hindering their growth potential.

They needed a platform that streamlined their daily tasks, provided seamless communication with clients and stakeholders, and facilitated efficient management of portfolios.

Additionally, the existing systems lacked a user-centric approach, making it difficult for SMEs to access valuable resources and courses essential for their development.

Lynx sought to bridge these gaps and empower SMEs with an all-encompassing platform for growth and efficiency.

The primary challenge that Lynx aimed to address was the inefficiencies faced by SMEs in South Africa. Businesses struggled with time-consuming processes, hindering their growth potential.

They needed a platform that streamlined their daily tasks, provided seamless communication with clients and stakeholders, and facilitated efficient management of portfolios.

Additionally, the existing systems lacked a user-centric approach, making it difficult for SMEs to access valuable resources and courses essential for their development.

Lynx sought to bridge these gaps and empower SMEs with an all-encompassing platform for growth and efficiency.

The primary challenge that Lynx aimed to address was the inefficiencies faced by SMEs in South Africa. Businesses struggled with time-consuming processes, hindering their growth potential.

They needed a platform that streamlined their daily tasks, provided seamless communication with clients and stakeholders, and facilitated efficient management of portfolios.

Additionally, the existing systems lacked a user-centric approach, making it difficult for SMEs to access valuable resources and courses essential for their development.

Lynx sought to bridge these gaps and empower SMEs with an all-encompassing platform for growth and efficiency.

The solution

The solution

The solution

User research

To gain insights into the needs and pain points of the users, I conducted a two-day sprint with the entire team at Riversands Incubation Hub, including the CEO. The objectives of the sprint were as follows:

  • Identify the different user types and their respective pain points.

  • Determine feature priorities.

  • Simplify the concept into multiple Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

  • Evaluate the impact of various visual designs.

  • Test ideas with multiple users and stakeholders.

I documented the outcomes of the design sprint we held with the team on Miro.

To gain insights into the needs and pain points of the users, I conducted a two-day sprint with the entire team at Riversands Incubation Hub, including the CEO. The objectives of the sprint were as follows:

  • Identify the different user types and their respective pain points.

  • Determine feature priorities.

  • Simplify the concept into multiple Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

  • Evaluate the impact of various visual designs.

  • Test ideas with multiple users and stakeholders.

I documented the outcomes of the design sprint we held with the team on Miro.

To gain insights into the needs and pain points of the users, I conducted a two-day sprint with the entire team at Riversands Incubation Hub, including the CEO. The objectives of the sprint were as follows:

  • Identify the different user types and their respective pain points.

  • Determine feature priorities.

  • Simplify the concept into multiple Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

  • Evaluate the impact of various visual designs.

  • Test ideas with multiple users and stakeholders.

I documented the outcomes of the design sprint we held with the team on Miro.

Ideation, Wireframes, and Prototyping

After the design sprint, I began the conceptualisation phase by mapping out the information architecture of the entire Lynx 2.0 platform, specifically focusing on the distinct user types. I then created rough wireframes to visualise the navigation system and the overall layout of the different dashboards. Once the grayscale user experience (UX) was approved, I proceeded to design the graphical user interface (GUI), incorporating the established brand guidelines of Riversands Incubation Hub.

The outcome of this phase was a comprehensive platform that addressed the critical business tasks of both SMEs and the management team, ultimately saving them time and resources.

Feedback received:

There were stakeholder reviews held every week which helped iterate and progress the design.

After the design sprint, I began the conceptualisation phase by mapping out the information architecture of the entire Lynx 2.0 platform, specifically focusing on the distinct user types. I then created rough wireframes to visualise the navigation system and the overall layout of the different dashboards. Once the grayscale user experience (UX) was approved, I proceeded to design the graphical user interface (GUI), incorporating the established brand guidelines of Riversands Incubation Hub.

The outcome of this phase was a comprehensive platform that addressed the critical business tasks of both SMEs and the management team, ultimately saving them time and resources.

Feedback received:

There were stakeholder reviews held every week which helped iterate and progress the design.

After the design sprint, I began the conceptualisation phase by mapping out the information architecture of the entire Lynx 2.0 platform, specifically focusing on the distinct user types. I then created rough wireframes to visualise the navigation system and the overall layout of the different dashboards. Once the grayscale user experience (UX) was approved, I proceeded to design the graphical user interface (GUI), incorporating the established brand guidelines of Riversands Incubation Hub.

The outcome of this phase was a comprehensive platform that addressed the critical business tasks of both SMEs and the management team, ultimately saving them time and resources.

Feedback received:

There were stakeholder reviews held every week which helped iterate and progress the design.




We conducted semi-structured sessions with 3 regular Lynx users to understand the problem space and their overall experience of managing SMEs and the SMEs managing themselves. This helped us to explore different problems & go deep down into a few major issues that they currently face.

We conducted semi-structured sessions with 3 regular Lynx users to understand the problem space and their overall experience of managing SMEs and the SMEs managing themselves. This helped us to explore different problems & go deep down into a few major issues that they currently face.

We conducted semi-structured sessions with 3 regular Lynx users to understand the problem space and their overall experience of managing SMEs and the SMEs managing themselves. This helped us to explore different problems & go deep down into a few major issues that they currently face.




Key features to address the main pain points:

Learning Management System: Streamlined lesson management for the administration staff, with SMEs gaining access to a vast library of courses through keyword search.

Instant Booking Confirmations: Cloud-based calendar integration enabling SMEs to easily book and receive immediate confirmation for various facilities and professional services.

Unique Business Tools: Empowering SMEs and the RIH team to create custom business tools for enhanced productivity, including the ability to save templates and share them with others.

Streamlined Management: Simplified portfolio management for directors, providing quick and comprehensive overviews of their accounts.

Learning Management System: Streamlined lesson management for the administration staff, with SMEs gaining access to a vast library of courses through keyword search.

Instant Booking Confirmations: Cloud-based calendar integration enabling SMEs to easily book and receive immediate confirmation for various facilities and professional services.

Unique Business Tools: Empowering SMEs and the RIH team to create custom business tools for enhanced productivity, including the ability to save templates and share them with others.

Streamlined Management: Simplified portfolio management for directors, providing quick and comprehensive overviews of their accounts.

Learning Management System: Streamlined lesson management for the administration staff, with SMEs gaining access to a vast library of courses through keyword search.

Instant Booking Confirmations: Cloud-based calendar integration enabling SMEs to easily book and receive immediate confirmation for various facilities and professional services.

Unique Business Tools: Empowering SMEs and the RIH team to create custom business tools for enhanced productivity, including the ability to save templates and share them with others.

Streamlined Management: Simplified portfolio management for directors, providing quick and comprehensive overviews of their accounts.

Visual design

During the visual design phase, I focused on implementing the established brand guidelines of Riversands Incubation Hub, ensuring visual consistency throughout the Lynx 2.0 platform.

During the visual design phase, I focused on implementing the established brand guidelines of Riversands Incubation Hub, ensuring visual consistency throughout the Lynx 2.0 platform.

During the visual design phase, I focused on implementing the established brand guidelines of Riversands Incubation Hub, ensuring visual consistency throughout the Lynx 2.0 platform.

Usability testing

To validate the design and gather feedback, I conducted usability testing internally with key stakeholders. The testing process involved the following steps:

Lo-fi prototypes were regularly tested with stakeholders to collect feedback on the user experience, features, and interactivity.

The user interface (UI) was tested using multiple accessibility tools to ensure inclusivity.

I personally conducted separate testing for the mobile version, ensuring it offered a seamless and user-friendly experience comparable to the desktop version.

Outcomes and Results: Although external user testing was not feasible, the Lynx 2.0 platform was well-received by the development team and executives at Riversands Incubation Hub. The project involved multiple stakeholders and proceeded through various phases, resulting in the following outcomes:

To validate the design and gather feedback, I conducted usability testing internally with key stakeholders. The testing process involved the following steps:

Lo-fi prototypes were regularly tested with stakeholders to collect feedback on the user experience, features, and interactivity.

The user interface (UI) was tested using multiple accessibility tools to ensure inclusivity.

I personally conducted separate testing for the mobile version, ensuring it offered a seamless and user-friendly experience comparable to the desktop version.

Outcomes and Results: Although external user testing was not feasible, the Lynx 2.0 platform was well-received by the development team and executives at Riversands Incubation Hub. The project involved multiple stakeholders and proceeded through various phases, resulting in the following outcomes:

To validate the design and gather feedback, I conducted usability testing internally with key stakeholders. The testing process involved the following steps:

Lo-fi prototypes were regularly tested with stakeholders to collect feedback on the user experience, features, and interactivity.

The user interface (UI) was tested using multiple accessibility tools to ensure inclusivity.

I personally conducted separate testing for the mobile version, ensuring it offered a seamless and user-friendly experience comparable to the desktop version.

Outcomes and Results: Although external user testing was not feasible, the Lynx 2.0 platform was well-received by the development team and executives at Riversands Incubation Hub. The project involved multiple stakeholders and proceeded through various phases, resulting in the following outcomes:

250 screens

250 screens

250 screens

Designed in total.

Designed in total.

Designed in total.

16 meetings

16 meetings

16 meetings

Conducted with stakeholders throughout the project duration.

Conducted with stakeholders throughout the project duration.

Conducted with stakeholders throughout the project duration.

4 months

4 months

4 months

Time to completion; investing approximately 480 hours in the design process.

Time to completion; investing approximately 480 hours in the design process.

Time to completion; investing approximately 480 hours in the design process.






Project Learnings: Reflecting on my experience as a junior product designer on this project, I have gained valuable insights that have shaped my approach and execution as an intermediate designer. These key learnings include:

Simplicity is key: Designing with intention and understanding the users' goals is crucial. Avoiding complexity and focusing on delivering a streamlined user experience is paramount.

Prioritize effectively: Managing priorities effectively is essential, especially when faced with numerous features to be incorporated. Prioritising features based on the minimum viable product (MVP) approach ensures the project stays on track within the defined deadline and budget.

Seek regular feedback: Maintaining consistent communication and obtaining feedback from stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle is vital. Weekly feedback sessions proved instrumental in ensuring a smooth project flow, avoiding the need to restart any phases.

As an intermediate designer, armed with these valuable project learnings, I would approach and execute similar projects with a deeper understanding of user needs, enhanced prioritisation skills, and a more refined feedback loop with stakeholders.

Project Learnings: Reflecting on my experience as a junior product designer on this project, I have gained valuable insights that have shaped my approach and execution as an intermediate designer. These key learnings include:

Simplicity is key: Designing with intention and understanding the users' goals is crucial. Avoiding complexity and focusing on delivering a streamlined user experience is paramount.

Prioritize effectively: Managing priorities effectively is essential, especially when faced with numerous features to be incorporated. Prioritising features based on the minimum viable product (MVP) approach ensures the project stays on track within the defined deadline and budget.

Seek regular feedback: Maintaining consistent communication and obtaining feedback from stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle is vital. Weekly feedback sessions proved instrumental in ensuring a smooth project flow, avoiding the need to restart any phases.

As an intermediate designer, armed with these valuable project learnings, I would approach and execute similar projects with a deeper understanding of user needs, enhanced prioritisation skills, and a more refined feedback loop with stakeholders.

Project Learnings: Reflecting on my experience as a junior product designer on this project, I have gained valuable insights that have shaped my approach and execution as an intermediate designer. These key learnings include:

Simplicity is key: Designing with intention and understanding the users' goals is crucial. Avoiding complexity and focusing on delivering a streamlined user experience is paramount.

Prioritize effectively: Managing priorities effectively is essential, especially when faced with numerous features to be incorporated. Prioritising features based on the minimum viable product (MVP) approach ensures the project stays on track within the defined deadline and budget.

Seek regular feedback: Maintaining consistent communication and obtaining feedback from stakeholders throughout the project's lifecycle is vital. Weekly feedback sessions proved instrumental in ensuring a smooth project flow, avoiding the need to restart any phases.

As an intermediate designer, armed with these valuable project learnings, I would approach and execute similar projects with a deeper understanding of user needs, enhanced prioritisation skills, and a more refined feedback loop with stakeholders.